Basic Health Care

The idea of health for all is attainment of a level of health that will permit all people to lead a productive life – socially, physically, mentally and economically. Unfortunately, only 10 to 20 percent of the population in developing countries have ready access to health services of any kind and enjoy all the determinants… [ Continue Reading ]

Special Education: Need for Trained Support

The disability field as most other rehabilitation fields was initially looked upon as a zone of charity. Consequently, there were very few technically qualified people. However, the scenario has changed a lot in the last few years and the need of the hour is for trained and qualified professionals. Special education as a field requires… [ Continue Reading ]

The Mentally Challenged

Mental retardation means a condition of arrested or incomplete development of the mind of a person, which is characterised by sub-normality of intelligence. Mental retardation can be caused by any condition, which impairs development of the brain before birth, during birth, or in the childhood years. The three major causes of mental retardation are Down… [ Continue Reading ]

Constipation in children

Constipation refers to passage of small, hard, dry stools and should not be confused with infrequency of bowel movements. Causes of constipation in new born babies and infants: Breast-fed babies are rarely constipated. However, bowel habits could be quite infrequent with a baby passing stool only once in a few days. Do not get worried so… [ Continue Reading ]

Stomach Ache in children

When your child says she has a stomach ache, she could be suffering from a variety of disorders like gastroenteritis, measles, colic and urinary tract infections. Sometimes, it need not be a stomach disorder per se. It could be any other infection that has begun affecting other parts of her body. She might even complain… [ Continue Reading ]