Rini had an arranged marriage just two months ago. Even before she could get to know her husband, she realised she was pregnant. And everyone she met had a little bit of advice for her. One of her friends told her intercourse could cause abortion in early pregnancy. So, every time her husband came close to her, she became cold. Finally, she spoke about it to her doctor.

Sexual Intercourse [Illustration by Shiju George]
In fact, a lot of women enjoy sex more during pregnancy. All you have to do is be a little careful about certain positions that increase pressure on the lower abdomen. You should also be careful after the seventh month to avoid stimulating uterine contractions, which may lead to premature labour. If you have a past history of abortion or vaginal bleeding, you should consult your doctor about sex during pregnancy.
It’s a myth that sexual intercourse could cause an abortion. Most abortions are caused by a defect in the egg or sperm or in the womb. Sometimes abortions can occur due to an incompetent cervical opening (mouth of the uterus may be open) or due to excessive exertion.
Hi! I had a history of miscarriage,then i am ready to be pregnant again,what should i do to be safe during my pregnancy?
Thank you
sefe for pregnecency
My wife hv pregnant. we came to on 1st April’14. Can we have sex in future what precaution should taken in fooding n dressing ?? Kindly suggest….
i am pregnant and i want to be having a sex with my hus, wount it cause any problem?