Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

Rini had an arranged marriage just two months ago. Even before she could get to know her husband, she realised she was pregnant. And everyone she met had a little bit of advice for her. One of her friends told her intercourse could cause abortion in early pregnancy. So, every time her husband came close… [ Continue Reading ]

How to Tell when Labour Begins

A few weeks before delivery, the baby’s head settles lower in the pelvis, and so the uterus or womb seems to slip downwards and forwards and the shape of the abdomen changes. This may cause a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen. You may want to pass urine more often. There may also be… [ Continue Reading ]

‘Don’t Waste Your Pain, Push’

When your first child is growing inside you, it is hard to believe all they say about childbirth being the most amazing experience of your life. How could the legendary pain of giving birth be memorable or amazing, you wonder? You tend to dismiss it as mere romanticism. But it is amazing. I can vouch… [ Continue Reading ]

Colostrum: Nature’s best gift for the new born baby

I went to meet Ria the next day after her delivery. She and her baby glowed in the soft light of the sun that was peeping in from the windows. Together, we admired the little bundle that was Ria’s daughter. Ria’s had been a normal delivery. I complimented her on how well she looked after… [ Continue Reading ]