Fruit Juice In Baby’s Diet

Fruit Juice In Baby's Diet

Fruit Juice In Baby’s Diet

Fruit juice is likely to get infected unless extracted with great care. Breast milk has sufficient vitamin C in it; but for a baby fed on cow’s or buffalo’s milk, this can be given as multivitamin drops.

Babies love fruit juice so you can start orange, malta or mosumbi juice at about four to five months if you are breast feeding the baby, and a little earlier, say three months, if the baby is being fed on cow’s or buffalo’s milk.

Start with a few teaspoons and gradually increase it to about 50 to 60 ml. Preferably, use a spoon or a cup rather than a bottle. Give the juice as fresh as possible. Do not warm it or keep it in the sun as this will destroy vitamin C.

Avoid tomato juice as the tomato seeds can irritate the baby’s stomach and the juice needs to be strained; so stick to the citrus fruits.