When Should Bed Wetting be Considered Abnormal?

Children sleep more deeply and soundly than grown-ups and do not wake up with the signals from a full bladder; so they wet their beds even though they may be dry by day. Between two and three years, the sleep becomes lighter and the child wakes up and expresses the need to pass urine and… [ Continue Reading ]

Teething Trouble

Common signs of teething are drooling, gnawing, biting, and general fussiness and irritability. Your child may feel slightly feverish at times, but no further serious illness should be attributed to teething. He needs more cuddling because of his discomfort, he may wake up more often at night and may want to sleep next to you…. [ Continue Reading ]

Avoid Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking is harmful, particularly during pregnancy. Here are a number of reasons to make you discontinue smoking: Excessive smoking causes a feeling of nausea. It slows down the baby’s growth. It can also increase the chances of a miscarriage, or may even lead to stillbirth. The carbon monoxide, nicotine and cyanide from cigarettes put the… [ Continue Reading ]