Electric Shock to children: Response & Precaution

A mild electric shock goves only a brief pins-and-needles sensation. A severe one can knock your child down, render him unconscious and stop both breathing and heartbeat and even burn him. An electrical burn may look quite harmless — a tiny bluish mark. But, it will have caused wide damage to the tissues underneath. Electric… [ Continue Reading ]

Cuts and Grazes on children: Response & Precaution

Minor cuts need little treatment. Bleeding carries germs out of the wound and seals it as it clots. Put the injured part under cold running water. Do not use antiseptic. If it is strong enough to kill germs, it will damage cut tissue too. Don’t use ointment. It will delay formation of a protective scab…. [ Continue Reading ]

Fractures in children: Response & Precaution

Babies usually do not break bones since their bones are not hard enough. They bend rather than break. Occasionally, they may bend and crack like a green twig rather than rather than snapping like a dry one. This is what is called a greenstick fracture. There are no sharp ends of bone inside the limb… [ Continue Reading ]

Creativity and Education

Art: The Basis of Education Written by Devi Prasad Published by National Book Trust, New Delhi Educationist and artist, Devi Prasad graduated from Rabindranath Tagore’s school at Santiniketan. A non-violent activist, he joined the War Resisters’ International, London, as its Secretary General and later Chairman. He has taught at various universities including Viswa Bharati. He… [ Continue Reading ]