Five ‘o’ clock. Time for the baby to go out. But as Arti Jaiman placed the baby in the stroller, it began collapsing. She wedged her hand between the rods of the metal frame and lifted the baby out. This was three months ago. Now Arti’s stroller does not fold anymore after it returned from… [ Continue Reading ]
Tag: 'safety tips for kids' »
Head and Face Injuries in children: Response & Precaution
Bumps in the head are quite common in young children and may scare you too. Usually they look serious and can be. But often, they are not. If your child’s head is bruised, hold a cloth wrung out in very cold water or an ice pack wrapped in a damp cloth over the bruise. This… [ Continue Reading ]
Foreign Bodies in Ears, Eyes and Nose
Foreign Bodies in Eyes Eyelashes or particles of dust can easily get into the eyes. If your child’s eye seems irritated, but you cannot see anything in it, she may have an eye infection. Usually if there is a foreign body, copious watering of the eye will make it float out. Do not let the… [ Continue Reading ]
Is the baby’s milk bottle safe?
You have prepared milk for your child and you fill his feeding bottle with it. The baby gulps it down with an obvious delight. Then you sterilise the bottle. But, is that enough? It isn’t, according to a WWF (World Wildlife Fund) report. The report cites evidence found during a study commissioned by the Department… [ Continue Reading ]
Finger and Toe Injuries in children
Fingers and toes pain a lot when hurt. That is because they are supplied with a rich network of nerves which transmit messages of pain to the brain making the child acutely aware of them. Apart from tiny burns and cuts on the fingers, the most usual injury involves bruising under the nail. Fingers could… [ Continue Reading ]
Drowning among children: Response & Precaution
A baby or toddler can drown even in water that a couple of inches deep. He does not know how to put his arms out when he falls and does not hold his breath when he feels his face covered with water. Instead, he opens his mouth to yell and fills his lungs with water…. [ Continue Reading ]
Blisters in children: Response & Precaution
Blisters can be caused by either burns or friction. Often, kids get blisters with new shoes. The outer layer of skin separates from the inner layer and fluid from the inner skin seeps out making the area burn. Eventually, the fluid inside the blister is reabsorbed and the dead outer skin peels off revealing a… [ Continue Reading ]
Dislocations in children: Response & Precaution
Dislocations occur usually in the shoulder joint and the lower jaw. This is because the muscles and ligaments that hold the these bones together are not as resilient as others. The shoulder joint is extremely mobile. As a result, the ball at the top of the upper arm bone can be twisted out of its… [ Continue Reading ]
Kids Getting High On Deodorants
Do you want to get high? Go sniff a deodorant. Yes, a deodorant. According to a recent report by Alcohol and Drug Abuse Organisation, United States, deodorants are one of the many domestic products that people sniff for their mood altering effects. Inhalants range from gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, typewriter correction fluid to antifreeze, paints,… [ Continue Reading ]
Burns and Scalds on children: Response & Precaution
Burns affect more than what is visible. The heat penetrates into blood vessels below the skin, dilating them, thus making the plasma (the colourless part of the blood) escape. In a minor burn, the escaped plasma gets trapped in a blister. In a burn that removes the skin altogether, plasma bleeds from the raw area…. [ Continue Reading ]