A baby weighs about three kilograms at birth, and loses 150-200 g in the first three to four days. After that he grows rapidly and gains about 25 to 30 g a day for the first three months and a little less rapidly after that. The widely accepted formula that a baby doubles his birth… [ Continue Reading ]
Tag: 'bones' ยป
Finger and Toe Injuries in children

Fingers and toes pain a lot when hurt. That is because they are supplied with a rich network of nerves which transmit messages of pain to the brain making the child acutely aware of them. Apart from tiny burns and cuts on the fingers, the most usual injury involves bruising under the nail. Fingers could… [ Continue Reading ]
Dislocations in children: Response & Precaution

Dislocations occur usually in the shoulder joint and the lower jaw. This is because the muscles and ligaments that hold the these bones together are not as resilient as others. The shoulder joint is extremely mobile. As a result, the ball at the top of the upper arm bone can be twisted out of its… [ Continue Reading ]
Fractures in children: Response & Precaution

Babies usually do not break bones since their bones are not hard enough. They bend rather than break. Occasionally, they may bend and crack like a green twig rather than rather than snapping like a dry one. This is what is called a greenstick fracture. There are no sharp ends of bone inside the limb… [ Continue Reading ]
Why is Your Child Thin?

When it comes to food Shefali just can’t seem to be able to convince her seven year old daughter to eat regular meals. It seems to Shefali that she’d been trying literally to force-feed Tanya, from the day the child was born. But to no avail. Tanya eats only what she absolutely feels like eating…. [ Continue Reading ]