“My baby won’t eat a thing no matter what I cook” is a common complaint. It is usually due to the fact that he is having 8 oz (200 to 225 ml) of milk four or five times a day. This of course is sufficient to supply all the calories or energy he needs in… [ Continue Reading ]
Tag: 'baby milk' ยป
Production of Milk and How it Reaches the Baby
Milk is produced in the mammary glands present in the breast. This glandular tissue is embedded in fat, giving the breast its round contours and size. The amount of glandular tissue in the breast is similar in amount in all women. Thus, milk production does not depend on the size of the breast. Milk production… [ Continue Reading ]
Is My Milk Enough?
The milk supply increases from about 100 ml on the second day to about 500 ml in the second week and more slowly thereafter. Some mothers get very panicky as to whether the baby is getting enough breast milk. I have known mothers who weighed the baby after every feed or at least every day…. [ Continue Reading ]