Giving a haircut to a kid is quite a tough job. But, some Delhi-based barbers seem to have found a way round it.

Of Haircuts and Chocolates [Illustration by Anup Singh]
One saloon offers ‘monthly gifts’ ranging from coloured pens to toys to its young consumers. Obviously, kids flock to this barber more for the gift he offers rather than the haircut.
Now, haven’t we heard that one before – kids frequenting a shop for the toys it offers, like the well known international fast food chain does.
Well, we seem to have a pattern here. Get the kids to do the things they normally don’t like doing by luring them with something they love. Not a bad idea at all. We do it all the time.
The big ‘but’ obviously is based on the fact that it won’t be long before bribes become a way of life. And, that can be damaging.
If your child doesn’t like going to school, would you bribe him everyday? Especially if your child is one who is conditioned to do something only he gets something in return.
So what can one do?
One has to draw a line somewhere. One has to take a call on when to give in and how much. So, the next time, you come across a shop which offers burgers along with a magic toy, think if you would like to go ahead with a bribe.