Spell fragrance and you will be reminded of the buds of jasmine Mom wears in her hair. Known as mallige, malli or mogra, is an evergreen climber and is often grown in home gardens, on the trellis and along garden walls. But, there is more to jasmine than meets the nose.

Jasmine: To Perk You Up In Summer [Illustration by Shridevi]
Not only are these pretty, white summer flowers nature’s way of soothing us in the summer heat, they have a lot of medicinal properties too.
Do you know that the juice extracted from a single flower can actually be used to as an eyewash for inflamed eyes? The extract of jasmine leaves can be used to remove corns and to treat ulcers in the mouth.
Further, the jasmine plant has properties that can be used to expel worms too. It is also effective in controlling menstrual flow, fevers and in soothing burns.
There are many varieties of jasmine grown in India. Of these, only 12 kinds are used for their medicinal properties. And, because of its beautiful fragrance, the oil extracted from the flower is extensively used by the Indian cosmetic and perfume industry.