Rima was expecting and was advised bed rest as she had had a miscarriage earlier. One night she woke up with stomach cramps in the seventh week of pregnancy and began bleeding. It was happening again despite all that rest. An abortion is caused by Malformation: Many spontaneous early abortions are caused by defective development… [ Continue Reading ]
Pregnancy Care Tips »
Now that you are pregnant you need to take special care of yourself as well as of the fetus or embryo that is growing inside your uterus. The extra care a woman requires during the nine months of her pregnancy.
Stay Fit During Pregnancy
When my sister was carrying my nephew, all she did was look in the mirror and complain at the amount of weight she was putting on. Although she did go for walks in the evenings, her efforts were half-hearted as she was afraid of over-doing the exercise routine. She thought it might harm the baby…. [ Continue Reading ]
Signs to Watch Out For During Pregnancy
Maya cannot forget her first pregnancy. She was young and careless. She preferred to go shopping than go for her regular checkup. She hated staying at home when her husband was away at work. But all this took its toll on her baby. In her ninth month, she realised that her baby was not moving…. [ Continue Reading ]
Pregnancy No-No’s
During pregnancy, we all know that one should stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs of any kind. But what if your intake of seafood is very high? What if you keep cats in the house? Do you now need to get rid of them? You don’t need to be paranoid when you’re pregnant. As… [ Continue Reading ]
Don’t Worry Be Happy
The old wives tale about cheerful women delivering healthy babies seems to be true. The American Psychological Association has announced research showing that optimism can reduce the chance of delivering low birth weight or pre-term babies for medically high-risk pregnant women. Psychologist Marci Lobel and her colleagues examined 129 pregnant women between 20 and 43… [ Continue Reading ]
Avoid Smoking during pregnancy
Smoking is harmful, particularly during pregnancy. Here are a number of reasons to make you discontinue smoking: Excessive smoking causes a feeling of nausea. It slows down the baby’s growth. It can also increase the chances of a miscarriage, or may even lead to stillbirth. The carbon monoxide, nicotine and cyanide from cigarettes put the… [ Continue Reading ]
Importance Of Antenatal Care
Antenatal care (also known as Prenatal care) refers to the regular medical and nursing care recommended for women during pregnancy. The importance of antenatal care is often overdone in most households as the would-be mother is flooded with advice about what is right and what is wrong for her. When should you start? Make your first… [ Continue Reading ]
Is it safe to drink alcohol during pregnancy?
The safe limit of alcohol during pregnancy is difficult to judge. Excess alcohol is known to lead to miscarriage, small baby at birth or a still birth. But the safe quantity varies with each individual.
Iron and Vitamin Tablets during pregnancy
The requirement of iron and vitamins increases during pregnancy and the effort should be to get these naturally by the addition of iron and vitamin rich foods to your diet. After all, the word ‘vitamin’ was invented only in 1912. Most doctors do, however, prescribe some iron and vitamin tablets during pregnancy to ensure adequate… [ Continue Reading ]
Taking Care of your Pregnant Body
Do you wonder why the shampoo that you have been using for the past five years suddenly makes your hair limp; and your face appears darker than usual? These are changes that you cannot avoid in pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones bring about changes to almost every part of the body, including your breasts, skin, hair, teeth… [ Continue Reading ]