My son, Adweit, peeks from the photograph lying on the desk, oblivious to the world around him. Actually no. He’s not. He’s pretty aware of what is happening. He is an amazing kid, and I often wonder how I would have coped with my ‘burden’ without him by my side. Holding my hand and showing… [ Continue Reading ]
Single Parenting ยป
Historically, death of a partner was a major cause of single parenting. But nowadays single parenting can result from separation, death, child abuse/neglect, or divorce of a couple with children. Each of these situation may bring its own set of challenges and opportunities.
Why do we need Fathers?
‘I am the earner protector, and you, the nurturer home-builder,’ was a division of labour that was working fine over the past couple of hundred years. There is no doubt that without all four of these issues taken care of, any family would find it difficult to survive. But increasingly, women are now capable of… [ Continue Reading ]