The newborn cannot control his head at all, and you have to support his head with your hand or elbow while carrying him. By four to six weeks, his control over his head matures gradually till he is three to four months old and can hold his head up by himself. If he is lying on his abdomen, he can lift his head and shoulders off the cot, turn his head and see what is going on around him. As a matter of fact, he does not want to be left out of anything of interest and shows his resentment by crying.

Not Enough Milk for the Baby?
The most likely reason for milk drying up is the inhibition of the ejection reflex (the mechanism by which...

Planning For A Child’s Own Room
Children seem to grow at a fast pace and there comes a time when she seems ready for her...

Exactly What is a Balanced Diet?
You often hear the phrase ‘balanced diet’ and its advantages, particularly for pregnant mothers and growing children. What does...

The Visually Impaired
While speaking of somebody with a visual impairment we would be referring to a person who is either partially...