You have just dropped your youngster off at his preschool and are worried. Will your kid be safe, will he be happy, while you are at work? Parents who leave their kids in day care often have such questions cropping up in their minds. There is nothing you could do, you sigh. Save your sighs… [ Continue Reading ]
Author: Gargi Pant
Television Watch
It is often felt that children are voracious and unselective viewers of television who spend a considerable part of their free time in front of television sets. Television has become an integral part of our day-to-day life. It is baby sitter, companion and an important agent of socialisation for children. Television in these conditions is… [ Continue Reading ]
Vaccine Queries
Your child has been crying nonstop and running a temperature through the night. You try desperately to pacify her and wonder what could be wrong. Oh yes! Realisation dawns on you. She was given a dose of the DPT vaccine the previous day. But isn’t a vaccine supposed to keep the baby healthy, you wonder…. [ Continue Reading ]
The Almora Magic
The name Almora brings a flood of memories. This is where I was born, this is where I spent my summer holidays, away from the blistering sun in the plains, and made many unshapely snowmen in the winters. Perched atop the five-kilometre long horse shoe shaped ridge of the Kashaya hill in the Kumaon reigon… [ Continue Reading ]
The Responsible Older Child
If you have a sibling, your relationship with them is likely to be the longest lasting you’ll ever have with another human being. You may have fought continually as children or you may have been each other’s best friends. Either way, these are the people who share your roots, who accepted or rejected the same… [ Continue Reading ]
Appreciate The Differences
Shilpi was trying to draw Mickey Mouse from a comic book. Her sister, Ira, was also trying to draw the same picture. Her mother happened to pass by and looked over both of them. Taking Ira’s drawing in her hands, she exclaimed, “What a nice picture, it’s wonderful.” Shilpi patiently waited for her pat on… [ Continue Reading ]
Pattern recognition helps babies develop language skills
It sometimes seems amazing how infants pick up the threads of human language. Do you wonder how infants form their own patterns of speech? According to a report in the Hindu newspaper, babies have an innate ability to track the patterns with which sounds or syllables appear together in adult speech. The report, which is… [ Continue Reading ]
Kids Getting High On Deodorants
Do you want to get high? Go sniff a deodorant. Yes, a deodorant. According to a recent report by Alcohol and Drug Abuse Organisation, United States, deodorants are one of the many domestic products that people sniff for their mood altering effects. Inhalants range from gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, typewriter correction fluid to antifreeze, paints,… [ Continue Reading ]
Travelling to School
Across the world, every morning school-going children get on a bus and head for school. A perfectly normal activity, you might say. Except that nowhere is the need for a safe transport system more evident than in India. With a burgeoning population of more than one billion, and few laws or regulations to keep children… [ Continue Reading ]
Limits Of Persuasion
As children are exposed to various forms of media increasingly, experiencing subtle forms of persuasion, the debate over the ethics of advertising assumes greater significance. And that is the reason why there are codes of advertising in countries sensitive to the impact of messages that young children have no way of decoding, owing to their… [ Continue Reading ]