Television Watch

It is often felt that children are voracious and unselective viewers of television who spend a considerable part of their free time in front of television sets. Television has become an integral part of our day-to-day life. It is baby sitter, companion and an important agent of socialisation for children. Television in these conditions is… [ Continue Reading ]

Pattern recognition helps babies develop language skills

It sometimes seems amazing how infants pick up the threads of human language. Do you wonder how infants form their own patterns of speech? According to a report in the Hindu newspaper, babies have an innate ability to track the patterns with which sounds or syllables appear together in adult speech. The report, which is… [ Continue Reading ]

Kids Getting High On Deodorants

Do you want to get high? Go sniff a deodorant. Yes, a deodorant. According to a recent report by Alcohol and Drug Abuse Organisation, United States, deodorants are one of the many domestic products that people sniff for their mood altering effects. Inhalants range from gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, typewriter correction fluid to antifreeze, paints,… [ Continue Reading ]

Travelling to School

Across the world, every morning school-going children get on a bus and head for school. A perfectly normal activity, you might say. Except that nowhere is the need for a safe transport system more evident than in India. With a burgeoning population of more than one billion, and few laws or regulations to keep children… [ Continue Reading ]