Over the years of sharing this recipe, I have realized that not everybody gets their 100% atta (whole wheat) bread right the first time — I was just plain lucky. If it does not work for you the first time don’t get disheartened, review some of the pointers at the bottom of this post. What makes… [ Continue Reading ]
Author: Ajay Jaiman
Why can’t we buy some smarts for our babies?
It is easy to buy a tighter tummy, wrinkle-free skin, a sculpted face, firmer (or larger) breasts, so why can’t we just buy some smarts for our kids. No, make that babies, why wait. Imagine if our babies had a head-start over all the other kids who ‘waste their time playing’ with spoons and saucers…. [ Continue Reading ]
Why do we need Fathers?
‘I am the earner protector, and you, the nurturer home-builder,’ was a division of labour that was working fine over the past couple of hundred years. There is no doubt that without all four of these issues taken care of, any family would find it difficult to survive. But increasingly, women are now capable of… [ Continue Reading ]