‘Don’t Waste Your Pain, Push’

When your first child is growing inside you, it is hard to believe all they say about childbirth being the most amazing experience of your life. How could the legendary pain of giving birth be memorable or amazing, you wonder? You tend to dismiss it as mere romanticism. But it is amazing. I can vouch… [ Continue Reading ]

Backache During Pregnancy

Shoma is a computer professional and is doing very well in her career. She spends a lot of time in the office crouched in front of her terminal. Recently, she has developed lower backache that is bothering her a lot. Backache is a common problem during pregnancy. It is caused by certain pregnancy hormones which… [ Continue Reading ]

Breathlessness During Pregnancy

Women often complain of breathlessness during the last trimester, though some women experience it throughout their entire terms. It is caused by the enlarging uterus which pushes the abdominal content upwards underneath the ribs. The uterus pushes the diaphragm into the chest which in turn constricts respiratory movement of the chest. When you exhale, your… [ Continue Reading ]

Care of the Breasts during pregnancy

Soap should not be used on nipples as it removes natural oils. Wear a bra with a good support, usually one size bigger than the usual size. If the nipples are small or retracted, pull them out gently from side to side and from above and below during the second trimester. Small and retracted nipples… [ Continue Reading ]

Maternity Clothes and Shoes

So you’re three months into pregnancy and it’s finally beginning to show. It’s time to step up those changes in your lifestyle that you began when you first came to know. Begin with the clothes. No more tight jeans and figure-hugging churidar kurtas but loose stuff that can accommodate your growing body and give it… [ Continue Reading ]

Miscarriage or Abortion

Rima was expecting and was advised bed rest as she had had a miscarriage earlier. One night she woke up with stomach cramps in the seventh week of pregnancy and began bleeding. It was happening again despite all that rest. An abortion is caused by Malformation: Many spontaneous early abortions are caused by defective development… [ Continue Reading ]

Headache During Pregnancy

A minor complaint during pregnancy, fortunately headache is not a very common problem. Though headaches during pregnancy are not very different from the ones that happen to non-pregnant women, the frequency and intensity is much higher in the former. Some women complain of severe headaches during the first trimester when they are going through the… [ Continue Reading ]

Stay Fit During Pregnancy

When my sister was carrying my nephew, all she did was look in the mirror and complain at the amount of weight she was putting on. Although she did go for walks in the evenings, her efforts were half-hearted as she was afraid of over-doing the exercise routine. She thought it might harm the baby…. [ Continue Reading ]

Signs to Watch Out For During Pregnancy

Maya cannot forget her first pregnancy. She was young and careless. She preferred to go shopping than go for her regular checkup. She hated staying at home when her husband was away at work. But all this took its toll on her baby. In her ninth month, she realised that her baby was not moving…. [ Continue Reading ]